In case you don't know the name

In case you don't know the name
Love this little guy

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I've been thinking about these words.  I received notice (second hand, cause they usually don't say it to your face) that I was a 'poser'.

From the Urban Dictionary: who pretends to be someone whose not.
2. who tries to fit in but with exaggeration 


 noun \ˈpō-zər\

1) Definition of POSER

:  a puzzling or baffling question

Origin of POSER

First Known Use: 1793

2) Definition of POSER

:  a person who poses

So, which is it?  I'm definitely a picture perfect fit for the Merriam Webster definition.  I use animations and I drive Master and others to distraction regularly *grins*.  However, I suspect they meant the Urban Dictionary's usage.  
Anyone who's known me for more than about 15 minutes OOC will be pretty clear I mean what I say, I say it bluntly and I don't particularly care to pretty up the words much.  I'm not sure that qualifies me.  Am I trying to fit in, but with exaggeration?  Perhaps they're misinterpreting "blunt sarcastic bitch"?  
Ya wanna know what I think?  You sure?  OK, if you're sure...
I think the 2 brain cells they have left are so far apart they can`t brush up against each other when their head wobbles.  Throwing out an insult is the best they can manage, and they don`t even have the guts to do it in person.  
Did I mention I`m blunt?


  1. My Master quickly figured out my filter was missing, I told him the cat had it as a toy and it is stuck under the fridge now. Sometimes you have to get use to the taste of your foot though.

  2. I was always told not to burn my bridges after I crossed them. I'd snort and say "after?"
