In case you don't know the name

In case you don't know the name
Love this little guy

Friday, February 28, 2014

Learn something damnit

When I started out in SL Gor, I was in (then, not now) Midgaard.  Years and years and years ago.  I was locked naked in the kennel until I could do ONE thing:  GREET correctly.  Now, the greeting had onlineisms in it, but at least I learned that there was a ritual and responsibility in the RP choice I'd made.  I had to earn the right to be able to open the door, and I had to earn clothing.  I was given a NC and 3 days.  No one was available to test me, so I was in there for 7.  It was damned boring.  I didn't like it.

Since then, there have been various things I haven't liked about being a slave.  Some things drive me bat-shit crazy about it.  That early training, that I had to follow a particular set of rules and rituals and that I'd decided I wanted the role so "suck it up and do it" has stood me in good stead.

Do I want to jump in and chatter with the free?  Yup!  Do I like being sent off on an errand?  Often no.  Do I want to be expected to follow this or that stupid rule?  Told when I can speak, on what topics I can speak, where I can go, when I have to go there, what I have to do?  No usually.  BUT THE SIMPLE FACT IS THAT I MADE THE CHOICE TO BE ON MY KNEES.  With that choice comes an expected set of behaviors.  Those behaviors include knowing that, ICly, I am property, that I have no more rights than a verr, a chair, or piece of garbage.  I know the RP will roll over and around me sometimes, and that many (most) times I will not be central and will sometimes be shunted to the side.  That is simply the way it is.

I've RPed free, and I've RPed slave.  I did make a male alt once but I just wasn't comfortable so that didn't last long (2 days?).  I thought I'd have fun fighting, but geez men are hunted! LOL  The long and short of it is I chose to be on my knees and no one can make me stay there.  ((Sorry Master *grins cheekily))  If you want the role, learn the basics and accept the responsibility.  FW don't go running around in earrings and silks flirting and slaves don't talk back.  It's pretty damned simple really.  Gor is very black and white on most things.  Don't like the limitations?  Rip off your collar and put on a dress, or rip off the dress and put on a collar.  Just pick one.

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