- I withdrew from a contest where "that person" was involved. (mind you, I'd already sent her my music - wonder if she'll steal it? *smirks hard*)
- I have put a statement on the entry of another. This will go on each and every entry I make.
Please let me know if sage betson has entered, enters later or is involved in the contest/exhibit. After severe and public accusations of preferment and outright cheating towards the organization at which I teach, and her refusal to substantiate them, I am unwilling to even tacitly approve her participation in the art. Since this was not the first time, I have had to decide to take the side of my principles. I do this on my own and not as part of any other organization. My apologies, and you may choose to discard my application now if that is more convenient or if you disagree with me.
Am I comfortable with this? no. Frankly I'm not. I know a lot of people are going to see it as princessy and childish. Am I going to do it anyway? Yes. I think I have to. I will not provide even tacit support to sage. I have not gone and shouted it to the hills inworld. I will, however, not participate and 'cheer her on' and I will not attend an event where I cause a split.
Do I expect to have people frown on me for this? yup! I expect I'll get a lot of verbal abuse and find myself blacklisted from a wide ranging number of events. Others I will simply avoid, like organizations in which she participates. Frankly, I expect I'm going to pay through the nose for this decision and probably been seen as the problem. But, I STILL think it has to be done, and that it's the right thing for me to do.